Practice for

Acute trauma

An accident, an assault, a sudden loss of safety or a relationship – many events can result in an acute traumatization. Even if you are not sure what exactly happened to you: if you no longer feel safe, if your sleep, performance and attitude to life has fundamentally changed you are welcome to seek counseling. After the loss of a loved one grief may be the most present emotion. Often it is important to take both trauma and grief seriously.

The three important signs of acute traumatization are intrusions, such as nightmares or flashbacks, avoidance (i.e., of situations, places or events) and a constant state of alertness.

However, not all people experience all classic symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), or they are not clearly aware of them.

There are various therapeutic methods available for working with PTSD, including Somatic Experiencing, Brainspotting, or Hypnotherapy; in practice, we work with an individual combination.

Chronic Trauma

Unfortunately, the number of chronically traumatized children and young adults in our culture as well is much higher than anticipated. Long journeys of suffering, mostly by conscious events, but sometimes also forgotten, lead to complicated und often difficult lives.

At first sight it seems hard to understand why and how one would forget these adverse child experiences, but if you place yourself in the position of the abused, especially within the family or a clan framework, you will understand the terrible choices the victim faces better. The journey back to one’s conscious truth is not always easy and requires years of work.

Whether your trauma issues are physical, emotional, sexual or social (usually there are several aspects present) they can be worked through step by step in a supportive setting and thus lose their destructive influence.


In many years of practice, I have repeatedly encountered life stories that the general public only takes note of with astonishment or disbelief. This is understandable at first glance, but a second look reveals a reality in but not of our customary world. If you suspect or know that this different reality is part of your history and your life, we can explore it together.